Avocado Lime Cheesecake
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Serves 8-10



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  • 300 g cream cheese

  • 200 ml whipping cream, for mixing with avocado

  • 150 ml whipping cream

  • 1 large avocado, cut into big cubes

  • 30 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

  • The zest of 2 limes

  • 3 tablespoons of honey

  • 1 pack gelatin powder

  • 100 g unsalted butter, melted

  • 1 avocado for garnish

  • 1 cup graham cookies, ground or 1 cup graham crumbs


  1. Zest the lime first before extracting the juice. Set aside the lime zest and juice.
  2. Place the graham crackers in food processor until finely ground. Add melted butter; process until moist crumbs form. Press crumb mixture onto bottom of 10-inch-diameter springform pan or 10-inch-diameter mousse ring. Chill in the freezer for 10 minutes to set.
  3. Combine 150 ml of whipping cream and gelatin powder in a small sauce pan, stir for 2 minutes or until granules of gelatin is dissolved. Bring it to boil over medium heat; stir for few minutes until gelatin is completely melted. Strain through a fine sieve. Let it cool down.
  4. Using a food processor combine the avocado, cream cheese, honey, 200 ml of whipping cream, lime juice, most of the lime zest (making sure to set some aside for garnish), and 30 ml of water until everything is smooth and well combined. Pour in the cooled gelatin and cream mixture and continue processing until it is well combined, creamy and smooth in texture.
  5. Pour the avocado lime cheesecake into the prepared cake pan and smooth the top with a spatula. Chill in the freezer for 1 hour to set.
  6. Release the cake from the pan if using a spring form pan.