If you made guacamole from all of the avocados sold for Super Bowl XLVII parties, you could fill the entire stadium 12 feet high.

Why Choose AFM One word: Mexicanity
It represents our authentic heritage in a way that nothing else can.
Avocados from Mexico reflects that positive, fun, and vibrant feeling that avocado lovers enjoy. Throughout the avocado growing, packing, and distribution process, we stay true to our essence by integrating good foods into good times and good fun with good people.
We want the world to know that our avocados are made with that heritage and the utmost attention to detail in mind, from their humble beginnings as seedlings to their maturity as the plump, delicious, creamy fruits you know and love.
Mexicanity can describe…
- The dedication and passion over 33,000 growers and 90 packers.
- The emotion and energy used when you make guacamole.
- How parties and special occasions come together so that family and friends can celebrate, cheer, and express joy.
There’s a lot of passion and dedication that goes into every single one of our avocados, and this passion translates into good times and great memories. Think of your favourite summer gathering, Super Bowl party, New Year’s Eve bash, Cinco de Mayo celebration, or Canada Day celebration. No doubt avocados were there too, amplifying the good times with guacamole and side dishes. In fact, avocados are so popular at parties and festivities that people across Canada enjoy more than 250 million avocados per year.

Avocados from Mexico are fresh, delicious, authentic, and available year-round.