Grilled Avocado, Prosciutto and Fig Naan Pizza
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Serves 2



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  • 12 red and yellow cherry tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 cups balsamic vinegar
  • 10 slices prosciutto
  • 3 figs, cut into quarters
  • ½ cup fresh basil
  • 1 ball buffalo mozzarella
  • 2 pieces naan bread
  • 2 avocados
  • Juice of one lemon


  1. Preheat the BBQ to a high heat.
  2. Preheat the oven to 375° F.
  3. Tomato confit: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut the tomatoes in half and place them in a bowl. Add olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread the tomatoes on the sheet and bake for 30 minutes on the centre rack.
  4. Balsamic reduction: Boil the vinegar to reduce the quantity by three quarters. Set aside.
  5. Pizzas: Cut the avocado into thick slices and brush with lemon juice. Grill on the BBQ for 2 minutes per side. You can also grill the avocado slices on a grill pan. Set aside.
  6. Arrange the slices of prosciutto on the naan bread. Add the figs, basil, tomato confit, slices of grilled avocado and buffalo cheese (pulled apart by hand). Place in the oven directly on the centre rack. Bake for 5 minutes.
  7. Before serving, drizzle with olive oil and reduced balsamic vinegar. Add salt and pepper as needed.


Max L’Affamé