Clarissa Nuttall

Guilty pleasures: in Clarissa Nuttall’s kitchen

What do you enjoy most about your blogger job?

I definitely love the excitement of having the pleasure of trying so many different types of food, drinks, and desserts across Vancouver and Canada! I started this as a hobby, and now I’ve expanded my brand in the last three-and-a-half years.

From doing photography for restaurants to recipe creation for food brands, my role as a blogger varies, and I’m so grateful that being a blogger has expanded my skill set across different avenues and clients. I have a background in marketing, so my creative mindset is at its best when I’m a food blogger!

Now confide in us. What’s your biggest screw-up in the kitchen?

Haha! I remember when I first started, my friends and I wanted to invite the foodie friends that we had made over for a pizza party, so Josh, Pina, and I all vowed to make two pizzas each to make sure that everyone had enough food.

I was in charge of making a dessert pizza, and while I had never baked a pizza from scratch before, I was convinced that I could do it on the first try without any practice. Needless to say, I was wrong! The toppings on the pizza turned out alright (Nutella and banana, as well as a s’mores pizza); however, the pizza crust was blotchy, over-risen, and not the greatest-looking. I’m thankful that my friends pulled through with their pizzas and saved the day!

If you were an avocado, what recipe would you like to be in?

I would for sure be in anything taco-related. If I were an avocado, I would love to be the star of an avocado taco with a spicy aioli, red pickled cabbage, and sweet mango chunks. I’m getting hungry right now!

What’s your guilty pleasure when it comes to food?

When it comes to food, my guilty pleasure… that’s so hard! Whenever I’m craving something, I never deprive myself of what I want; I just go for it! Something I definitely can’t live without is fries. Once a week with ketchup or honey mustard is all I need to satisfy my cravings!

Tell us what’s on your plate and we’ll tell you your avo-type! Pick one among these:

  1. You’re a guac fanatic! Avo-dips and tortillas are always an inch away!
  2. Since the arrival of avo-toast, your life has forever changed for the better!
    I’ve had avocado toast for the past two days straight, and I agree: it totally just amps up my day for the better! Go avos!
  3. You find pleasure in slowly picking through an avo-Buddha bowl to create the perfect avo-balanced bite every time!

Where does your passion for cooking come from?

My passion for cooking comes from my grandma in the Philippines. Whenever I go there, we’re never hungry, because there’s always food on the table. In Manila, they feel that more food is always better than less food, and we feast on whatever our hearts desire. I take the love of food that I share with my relatives in the Philippines and channel that into my cooking with friends and family when they come over or if I’m simply by myself getting creative in the kitchen!

Get inspired with our delicious avo-recipes here!